Alphedia Guardian Spirits of Nature Telesummit (2)

Alphedia (formerly known as Fiona Murray) is the founder of Elemental Beings Ltd in Scotland. She is the author of Messages from Nature’s Guardians and a channel for the Elemental Realms. She runs popular channelled workshops on connecting with Fairies, Elementals, Angels, Star Beings, Goddesses and the Crystal Kingdom. All the workshops are recorded so people all around the world take part. Alphedia runs Earth Healing retreats and offers popular Soul Channelings. She trained in environmental sciences at University and is passionate about aiding people with soul growth and assisting Mother Earth with her ascension. Alphedia has featured on television, radio, in newspapers and magazines as well as contributing to numerous books on nature spirits. She is known as a voice for beings in the other realms and is in the process of setting up a school for the new children coming on to earth. Many of whom are Elemental in origin and learn through nature and connection to the natural world.

For more information on Alphedia’s work visit or follow Elemental Beings on facebook.